Sunday, June 28, 2015

Schools out!

We ended the year with 153 kids this is more then we ever had in our 4 years. Knowing our funds would be very low as they are right now we never said, "no more kids". At a cost of about $3.00 per child our weekly amount needed was $459.00. How can we allow any child to go without needed food and live with ourselves?  We are asking for your help this summer by giving a  a small donation or maybe coming up with a fundraising idea. In September we will be starting our 5th year. Please help us continue to help the kids and let them know we care about them, as no kid should have to worry about when they will have their next meal. We would like to thank our volunteers who were there every week to pack and deliver, Lanni Orchards for a box of apples every week and everyone who cared enough to help in any way. Enjoy your summer, be safe and love one another.

John, Shelley & Kira Andreucci

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